2. Be sure to write them down in a full sentences starting with "I want"
1. I want the shows to be about fashion, comedy, happiness and excitement.
2. I want to come home in excitement because my shows start right when i am home relaxed, at _____ PM/AM.
3. I want to easily watch my shows.
4. I want to have 4 shows i watch a week regularly. (Take a whole week on this, meaning work on the list everyday, add as many points as you can at least for a week)
Come up with at least 10 to 20 wants.
3. Rewrite the list as if it’s already happened and take out the "I want".
1. The shows are about fashion, comedy, happiness and excitement.
2. I come home in excitement because my shows start right when i am home ,relaxed, at ___ PM/AM.
3. I easily watch my shows.
4. I have 4 shows i watch a regularly.
4. Convert every point until or 10 to 20 are now converted.
5. Narrow the list down to 7 points or less and type them into a neatly arranged one page document.
6. Label the document "My Favorite Show Descriptions - __.__.____ (date)" (descriptions meaning your goals written out in detailed points.
7. The next line would be your affirmation.
af·fir·ma·tion: 1. The act of affirming or the state of being affirmed; assertion.
2. Something declared to be true; a positive statement or judgment.
3. Law A solemn declaration given in place of a sworn statement by a person who conscientiously objects to taking an oath.
Your affirmation for this goal is "I found ___ shows that i really, really like!" You’re going to repeat this to yourself for the next 30 days, over and over in your head. Repeat it more and more every day, make it a race. In the next thirty days or very soon after you are going to find the shows you want at times that work for you! Try this out and see it for yourself.
* Review:
First line- "description title and date"
Second line "Affirmation for the Goals” (which you will repeat all day everyday for the next 30 days)
Third line - 7 point or less, written in the present tense as if they have already happened to you!
Fourth line - Read the description every morning, noon and before bed for 30 days or more and repeat the affirmation in between the reading and continue with the affirmation all throughout the day.
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